Optimising Your Brain's Peak Potential With BrainTap

What is Braintap?

Famous for taking meditation to the next level, BrainTap helps you relax, reboot and revitalise without having to go through the difficult learning curve that can make receiving noticeable benefits from ordinary meditation seem out of reach. 

I am delighted to have BrainTap creator, Dr Patrick Porter, here with us today to discuss exactly how you can receive life-changing benefits from adopting a super simple BrainTap practice. We’re going to go through how it differs from traditional meditation methods that you may have already tried with little success and also how to adapt and get the most out of this incredible technology, so stick around to learn more.

Dr Porter, a big welcome from Down Under! Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today about this exciting new technology that we’ve now got accessible for our members here at Fast Twitch.

I’d like to give our listeners some context to show just how far the world of guided meditation has come. Your Father introduced you to meditation and you created your first visualisation cassette tape at only 12 years of age.

Tell us a little about how you developed this incredible technology from those humble beginnings into the multi-faceted approach that it is today? 

*During my years in wellness, I think the most common complaint I hear when people discuss meditation is, “it’s a great idea, but I just cannot get my brain to switch off”. The BrainTap technology has managed to take the unattainable out of meditation by enabling newcomers to experience the effects that long time meditators achieve without having to try so hard. If you’re looking for additional modalities to increase your body’s overall health and wellness, we recommend red light therapy!

Can you take us through what mechanisms BrainTap uses that a) distinguish it from standard guided meditations and b) how it can provide benefits so immediately to both beginners and pros alike? What they are and how they affect brain function and the benefit of the dual voice tracks.

So there are different suites of tracks available for listeners. Examples include the Sleep Rx Collection, Stress-Free Me, Wake-Up and even Children and Learning, but one I think is particularly interesting and helpful for many is the Weight Wellness collection, which contains over 50 different tracks

Man sitting down using BrainTap headset, listening to Braintap app audio.

Could you walk us through how BrainTapping can assist a user with weight management?

*So here at Fast Twitch not only are we all avidly listening to the BrainTap audio sessions, but we’ve also got the BrainTap headsets available for members to use in our recovery room. For those that haven’t seen or tried them yet, I can describe that they look very futuristic - a little like something out of Robocop. They are outer-ear headphones that along with an attached visor coordinate pulsing light frequencies both into the ear and eye simultaneously to work in concert with the audio tracks on the BrainTap app.

Dr Porter, many people have yet to understand the significance of light and what it does to our biology, and to be fair, that in itself is a huge part of science that requires time to unpack, but today can you explain to everyone the benefits of synchronised light exposure via the BrainTap headset and why the experience is so further heightened when used in conjunction with the BrainTap audio?

Elle: So I’d like to make the ease of which you can use BrainTap abundantly clear to everyone out there today. You are going through your typical daily motions anyway - work/study/to do lists even sleeping and sometimes the results of all your trouble barely make the grade. What we are trying to showcase to you today is that by simply putting on headphones and passively listening to BrainTap, you can sleep deeper, focus your attention more sharply on projects and enhance your creativity, without much more effort than just remembering to put headphones on and press play! This is not just “another thing” to factor into your schedule or something you’ve got to spend time getting good at before you feel any real benefit - it’s helped a number of us here at Fast Twitch already to feel better rested after long days training both ourselves and others without any extra effort on our part. What can be more impressive than that?

*In our hyper-busy world that just seems to be asking more and more from us, getting on top of your mental wellbeing is truly what is setting apart the successful from the overwhelmed.

Dr Porter - What’s some advice you would give new users of BrainTap to help them integrate a lifelong meditation practice that provides tangible value to their everyday lives?

*I’ve already mentioned some of the personal benefits both myself and our staff @ Fast Twitch have experienced using BrainTap, but as the creator.

Can you share with us some other maybe not so obvious benefits everyday people have experienced from BrainTapping? Dr Porter, you’ve really showcased for those tuning in today just how easily we can all level up our mental and physical well. Are there any exciting developments for the BrainTap technology on the horizon that we can be watching out for?

Thank you so very much for sharing your time and your knowledge with us today Dr Porter. As I’m sure you can tell, we are super impressed with what you’ve created and are really excited to be offering BrainTap to our members here in Australia after seeing how easily we’ve been able to receive immediate benefit ourselves. So thank you for putting your tech out there, it’s definitely making a difference in people’s lives.

That’s it guys - you’ve heard all about how you can tap into incredible mental and physical benefits that normally take dedicated meditators years to master, simply by popping on your headphones and tuning into a BrainTap session anytime of the day or night. To allow you to try out this genius technology for yourself, we’ve got a code for you today so you experience the results of deeply rejuvenating sleep, increased mental alertness and focussed creativity all from the one app - just pop on over to BrainTap’s website and sign up for subscription, use the code we’ve provided in the comments section to register yourself for a free 30-day trial, download the app and feel for yourself how calmer, well rested and focussed you can be in only a month’s time from today. 

Login now and start feeling relief from the busyness that is the daily grind. Thanks so much for tuning in to learn more about this amazing new tech. Here at Fast Twitch, you can trust that we are dedicated to bringing you the most up to date information that will improve your health and enhance your wellbeing.

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