How To Prepare For Hot Yoga


Yoga is a practice of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. An ever giving, life changing practice. With a consistent, patient, kind & non judging practice, your physical, mental and spiritual bodies will become unified, being able to live in harmony with all.  

This is achieved by moving the body through asanas ( physical postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) . Naturally over time with continuous practice the physical, mental and spiritual bodies can become stronger, flexible & supple. Yoga helps to minimise stress & enhances more relaxation through the practice of pranayama. 

Our Hot Yoga Studio at Fast Twitch is the perfect place to practice yoga in a fun and supportive space.

There is no need to be “fit”, “flexible”, or have done a yoga practice before. Simply bring yourself and enjoy this beautiful life long practice, that simply needs you! What's best of all is that it can be practiced anytime and anywhere. Wherever you are on your life journey yoga can be part of your daily routine.



Best tied back and away from face.


It is best to practice hot yoga free from makeup and heavy moisturisers. As you begin to sweat it can become quite uncomfortable and distracting as the makeup and heavy moisturisers can seep into your eyes and mouth. An application of a light moisturiser or face oil such as jojoba, almond or coconut oil can be beneficial. 


Showering before class is beneficial to remove toxins and dirt from the skin, but not necessary. We have an organic foot and hand spray if you wish to use prior to class, located outside the yoga entrance door. 


If you find that you sweat a lot and your clothes are damp, it is recommended to bring a change of clothes. It is highly recommended to shower as soon as possible after a hot yoga class. 

Now that you’re getting that hang of how you should prepare for a hot yoga class, check out our top hot yoga poses for flexibility.

Female yoga instructor doing a yoga pose during a hot yoga class.



It is highly advised to be hydrated evenly throughout the day. If you are practicing in the early morning, ensure the night before you have 500ml-1litre prior to rest. For an afternoon / evening  class 2 litres of water drunk evenly throughout the day.


If necessary sip light bouts of water during class although it's best to wait until class has finished to replenish your hydration levels. 


Sip water slowly, consciously and evenly after a class. If you feel dehydrated, coconut water and other drinks which contain electrolytes are beneficial for rehydration and to bring your body back into homeostasis. 



It is highly recommended not to consume food 2 hours prior to practice, if you feel the need to, the best options are fresh fruit such as an apple, banana, avocado, orange or berries. Raw nuts or rice crackers with peanut or almond butter are ideal also.


A light wholesome nutrient dense meal is recommended  30minutes after class has ended. 



Lightweight shorts or leggings.


Light weight shirts, singlets or sports bra. Avoid clothing that can become heavy once wet. Practice without socks or special yoga socks can be beneficial for gripping.

Essential Items

Water bottle, yoga matt, full length towel to cover your mat and optional hand towel. After your practice you may need to bring a clean dry set of clothes to change into after your practice. Showers and change rooms are available to use located downstairs.  No late entrances, classes will commence at scheduled time. It is beneficial to arrive 10-15m prior to class. This allows you to set up your space and begin light stretching or meditation. 

The Yoga Room & Etiquette 

A room of silence, before,  during and after practice.  Upon entering the room please respect that it is a silent space and should you feel the need to talk please do so outside the room. The teacher will begin class and may ask questions before and during the practice which you are welcome to engage in.

The room is open 15m prior to class commencement and is available for meditation & relaxation  15m after class has ended. We recommend that the time prior and after class is used for mindful warm up/ cool down and meditation.

We have a range of props  to assist you in your warm up/meditation prior/during and after your practice. Such as bolsters, eye pouches, tennis balls, yoga blocks, straps and more. See descriptions on display for tips on how to use these beneficial props. 

Strictly no phones, bags, shoes are permitted in the room. Smart watches are permitted but must be turned to silent mode and are not to be used during the practice. 

If you need to leave early please speak to your teacher prior to class commencement. Please sanitise and wipe down your mat after class and any props you may have used, placing used items back neatly is appreciated. 

Interested in Yoga at Fast Twitch? Take a peak at our Fast Twitch Yoga Classes


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