Access to all our signature Fast Twitch classes and Hot Yoga. Plus, exclusive challenger workouts every Saturday! Includes 4 bonus ‘Mystery Events’…

Body scan analysis at the start and end of the challenge to help you track your results with ultimate accountability. Our body scans are conducted using state of the art body analysis technology.


Utilise our vast recovery suite including infrared & Finnish saunas, contrast therapy tubs (hot/cold tubs), float tank, brain tap, compression boots, Hyperice hot/cold packs and more!

Push yourself to the limit with a 30 day trial on state of the art Myzone heart rate monitors.

Keep on top of your nutritional goals with our Challenge Folder packed full on nutritional info & exclusive recipes made by our our expert trainers. Also Weekly Recipes shared to keep Variety each week for you

Receive the in-depth FT Challenger Resource Folder and Workbook, that includes our hand picked recommended readings. Take charge of your personal growth with our customised challenge diary, it will help guide your Saturdays accountability sessions.

Receive all the wonderful benefits of a traditional yoga practice to improve the body’s suppleness and bodyweight strength plus with all the added benefits of a cardio workout that burns calories, improves cardiovascular health, improves bone density and reduces stress!

Most importantly, enjoy the fun-loving & supportive Fast Twitch community. To top it all off, indulge in a group lunch with all the 8 week challengers in the final week.

We measure the following:
Body Composition
Total change in body weight
Total change in body fat percentage
Total muscle gain
Body Measurements
Achieving your weekly MEP’s Target
Completing your daily and weekly Diary entries
Attendance (at least 3 group classes and 1 Hot Yoga class per week)
Adherence to the 8 challenges as described in your resource folder
Self Assessment: 1km Row for Time completed in week 1 and 8
Surprise challenge workouts & tests
The short answer is Yes! We set up a private Facebook group in which your challenge leader will hold live Q&A sessions, you can communicate with other challengers, FT members and log your workouts. These sessions are great if you happen to miss a session.
Results will vary! This all depends on what you are trying to achieve throughout the challenge, our aim is to lead you onto a path that you will continue beyond the 8 weeks. In short however you can expect a drop in fat mass of anywhere between 4-8kg and adding skeletal muscle mass between 400-900g. Others have seen a new confidence in weight lifting where at the beginning of the challenge they wouldn’t dare deadlift and by the end add 50kg on to where they started. This is YOUR challenge and we will help guide you towards the results you are looking for. These results require commitment, focus and adherence to the challenge guidelines.
NB: Fat free mass includes everything in your body except fat. (muscle, bones, organs and fluids, etc.) By exercising regularly and eating a healthy, balanced diet, it is possible to achieve and maintain a desirable ratio of fat to fat-free.
Fat free mass is what is left when body fat was taken out from body weight. Fat free mass is composed of water, protein and mineral of your body. Protein is the main component of muscle and the amount of protein in your body determines your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Therefore, developing muscle is to make your body a more efficient energy consuming machine. By increasing muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases. Moreover, mineral is the main component of bones supporting the structure of your body, and since it is closely associated with the amount of personal physical activity, more muscle content means more bone mass.
Trust! Trust us, we are qualified specialists and this is what we do everyday. Some things in the challenge may seem counterintuitive, but adherence to our programming, nutritional goals, eating plans will be a guaranteed fast track to success.
Yes and No. Depends on your current lifestyle and eating habits. This is all outlined in the nutritional challenges section of your booklet. Items like alcohol and refined sugar are just no no’s. Don’t you worry yourself though, we have plenty of healthy treats to shower you with throughout the challenge.
Usually we have anywhere from 20-30 people complete a challenge. However, if this number is higher, we will allocate more coaches to the challengers. We are focused on your results and have the resources to support everyone throughout their journey.
All this information is in your challenge booklet and a whole lot more, we got you covered. Items like photos and self assessments will be emailed to you prior to the commencement of the challenge, other documents will be passed out on your first info night.
Simply it gives the coaches a baseline to see where your fitness levels are at, as well as a depiction on how you performed over the 8 weeks to show you how much you improved. The InBody scan gives us results such as total body weight, chest, waist and hip measurements, as well as body fat percentage. The self assessment workouts are for testing your aerobic endurance, strength and VO2 Max (V02max is the maximal amount of oxygen you can breathe in per mL per kg of body weight).
Additionally there are weekly challenges that will be a series of tasks we will ask you to complete. These challenges are designed to keep you accountable and also get you to try things that you may have never thought of trying before.
Don’t stress, there are plenty of other classes FT has to offer and we want you to experience them all!
Weekly Challenge group sessions
4 x Mystery Events
Nutrition education sessions
24/7 Gym access
Unlimited access to over our group classes including Strength, Cardio and Olympic Lifting
Unlimited access to our Hot Yoga Classes (Beginner, Vinyasa Flow, Power Yoga, Mobility)
Unlimited access to recovery facilities (Infrared Sauna, Finnish Sauna, Contrast Therapy Baths, Compression Boots,Massage Guns & Red Light Therapy.
2x InBody body composition scans
Fitness Testing
Customised Reflection Diary
Optional 6-Day Relationship Challenge Workbook
Resource Folder, jam packed with content to get you through
3 x Meal Plans
8 Float Therapy sessions (1 per week)
End of Challenge celebration lunch
1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes
Not necessarily. We are trying to alter your daily lifestyle habits, FT is all about healthier lifestyles. We will teach you life hacks to get the most out of your food and training.
Your challenge leader is your problem solving wizard. If they are unavailable the support coach is your next line of contact.
Of course, everyone needs a little motivation. Prizes vary each challenge, but the ultimate prize is you feeling that you are your best version of you. We consider all results, attendance and overall attitude when deciding who the winners are. There will be 1 major male and female winner, the reason behind this is because men and women respond differently to stimulus. For example, men find it easier to lose weight due to having a higher metabolic rate (the rate of energy expended at rest).
Yes, and we like to leave that decision to the challengers. Each challenge the team's dynamic change, so how we celebrate changes.
Absolutely you can. If you are not a member of FT you become one regardless throughout the challenge. So come, Fuel, Sweat and Grow with us to experience the FT difference.
Your challenge coaches and you. However, we would appreciate you allowing us to use them to show the amazing results people get. We can block your face and not use your name if you prefer.
Yes, use a coupon from your resource folder. Different coupons will give your special friends different things!
As a part of the Challenge you receive a 30 day trial of a MyZone MZ3 heart rate monitor. These will be distributed on day 1 of the challenge. At the end of the 30 days you can decide to keep it or return to us.