Adelaide Sports Recovery | Contrast Therapy | Ice Baths | Sauna

Includes compression boots, red light therapy, steam sauna and ice baths.

The use of hot water has the opposite effect to the cold water immersion. By alternating between very cold and very hot water you create a muscle pump effect of built up lactic acid and waste. The hot water opens or dilates the blood vessels which were constricted during the ice bathing that effectively flushes your system. Utilising state of the art chilling units from Primal Ice, we ensure your ice baths are a consistent 3 degree celcius.
Great for recovery, the use of contrast hydrotherapy provides quicker recovery from muscle fatigue, decreasing pain and swelling and lactic acid build up post intense exercise. Ice bath recovery is ideally used post heavy weight training or during the critical phase of muscle injury or soreness.
Ice baths can also provide an analgesic effect, this helps provide athletes with a sense of relief after heavy training or competition. More importantly, it functions as a component of a large recovery process that generally yields a high sense of well being.
The hot water opens or dilates the blood vessels which were constricted during the ice bathing that effectively flushes your system.
Magnesiums benefits can include reduced symptoms from conditions such as chronic pain, fantigue, insomnia. Magnesium may also provide protection from a number of chronic diseases, especially those associated with ageing and stress.
Magnesium is known to:
Help increase energy
Calm nerves and anxiety
Help with digestion
Relieve muscle aches and spasm
Regulate levels of calcium, potassium and sodium
Important for heart health
Prevents migraine headaches
Help prevent osteoporosis
The Magnesium Chloride mineral which is found in the FT recovery tubs as you bathe, can be absorbed through the skin (transdermally) at a cellular level. The process is called mineral science therapy. Mineral science therapy is the absorption of Magnesium Chloride through the skin, This method can have a powerful effect in assisting the body to build and store optional levels of magnesium to promote health wellbeing, and is dramatically more effective than when taken orally.

There are over 4000 published medical studies detailing the effect of light therapy on a multitude of conditions – ranging from osteoarthritis, inflammation, tendon lesions, nerve regeneration, peripheral neuropathy, bacterial infections, non-healing wounds, anxiety, insomnia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, sports performance and exercise recovery.
The red and near-infrared spectrum are the best to penetrate your skin. They can travel as deep as 5mm into the epidermis.
Once the skin is saturated with light, there is a boost in skin collagen, which is the main protein that gives the skin its elasticity.
When the cells have more ATP (which is produced via exposure to red light), inflammation is reduced which helps to heal swelling, acne, rosacea and eczema.
Furthermore, with the increase in skin protein, repair mechanisms are triggered, helping to heal wounds, scars, burns and even cellulite.
The red and near-infrared spectrum are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Once the skin is saturated with light, inflammation is reduced and an increase in fresh blood supply is triggered.
Better circulation is crucial to reducing pain sensitivity, leading to optimal blood-oxygenation overall. This increases the health and condition of nerves, joints and muscles.
The red and near-infrared spectrum have a direct impact on cellular energy.
Red light exposure increases the enzyme Cytochrome C-oxidase and Nitric Oxide is lessened resulting in greater levels of ATP that power the body. The result is that more natural energy is produced by the cell and an increase in fresh blood and oxygen supply is triggered to the muscles and brain.
This reduces fatigue, boosts sports performance and increases mental sharpness.
The red and near-infrared spectrum have a big impact on hormones and key enzymes.
The increase in cellular energy is directly responsible for decreased inflammation in the thyroid gland, and a boost in the Leydig cells, which are responsible for testosterone production.
With more cellular energy and oxygen available for the brain, sleep is enhanced and brain inflammation, which has been linked with depression, is reduced.

Rapid Reboot is a high quality, recovery technology designed to help athletes of all levels reduce the time it takes their muscles to recover from exertion – so they can quickly return to training and competing. Rapid Reboot recovery systems include a control pump and recovery boots that repeatedly fill with compressed air and then deflate, providing a therapeutic, massage-like pressure on the legs.
Rapid Reboot’s dynamic compression technology speeds up your body’s natural healing processes by enhancing blood flow to your muscles to facilitate cellular repair and protein synthesis, boosting lymphatic drainage to relieve inflammation and reduce swelling, and mobilising toxins such as lactic acid and excess fluids. What you will notice is less stiffness and soreness, as well as increased mobility and flexibility.

Our suite of products help to relieve tension, unlock sore muscles, and prime your body and mind to be at their best, so you can always find the simple fun in doing what you love to do, more. Whether you’re an elite athlete or an individual who is simply looking for solutions to combat the impact of daily life, our suite of innovative products are here to help you unlock the best version of yourself.
Each hyperice device is composed of two parts that work together as a system to maximise cold + compression and deliver optimal cold therapy.
The Ice Cell provides the “cold” component by harnessing the power of real ice, or HYPERICE Fuel, which is loaded into the Ice Cell, used in conjunction with the patented Air Release Valve, which removes air from the Ice Cell to enable maximum compression throughout the icing process.
Each Compression Wrap is designed to apply firm pressure to the Ice Cell, pushing all excess air trapped in the cell to the surface. By pressing the Air Release Valve, the excess air is removed from the Ice Cell, allowing the Compression Wrap to make direct contact with the ice, forming an ice “cast” around the specific body part.
The Venom is a cutting-edge wearable device that uses heat + vibration to warm up, loosen, and relax sore / stiff muscles. Manufactured using the industry’s best technology, the digital touchscreen allows you (the user) to customise the temperature, vibration pattern, and timer for the optimal massage.
The Vyper 2.0 changed fitness rolling forever. Featuring all the traditional benefits of foam rolling amplified by three powerful speeds of vibration, the Vyper 2.0 is strong, sleek, and durable.

The Compex units are designed to stimulate healthy muscles in order to improve or facilitate muscle performance. State of the art Muscle Stimulators are built to optimise your training and recovery, and are backed up by clinical trials proving their effectiveness.

Through guided meditation, Braintapping guides your mind from an awake, reactionary mind into an intuitive, creative state, then to a place where super-learning and healing can occur, with the outcome being a heightened state of consciousness with crystal clear focus.
Binaural beats work by creating this phantom frequency, which the brain then mimics. Your brain naturally follows this frequency, and you experience this deeply relaxed state.
BrainTap’s proprietary algorithms have been shown to produce a state of calm and concentration in the brain, yielding the full effect of the guided visualisation, and resulting in extraordinary levels of performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve.
In general, the visual imagery process involves the individual setting aside a period for relaxation, during which he or she contemplates mental images depicting a desired result or goal. This exercise is done during the spoken-word sessions to help the listener envision a consistent image (either literal or symbolic) of the results desired from the session.
Visualisation has been studied for decades, having been shown to have the power to affect mental states, improve physical and athletic performance and even heal the body. And when combined with the other elements of BrainTap, these effects are increased and optimised.
Another aid to the guided meditation is 10-cycle holographic music, which is a sonic technology that produces a 360-degree sound environment.
In this sonic environment, the visualisations become more real to the mind, helping the user take full advantage of the power of the visualisations by creating a more receptive learning state.
Isochronic tones are equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an interval of silence. They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the desired brain frequency. The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them particularly easy for the brain to follow. While binaural beats rely on balanced hearing in both ears, isochronic tones work effectively for nearly everyone, except for someone with complete hearing loss. This is one of the reasons BrainTap’s proprietary algorithms incorporate both types of tones.
Read More About The Benefits of Braintap & Guided Meditation.

Massage Gun Therapy supplies a low pressure massage in the form of deep muscle treatment similar to foam rolling or a massage. It allows for an increase in joint mobility and reduced tension in the muscle through myofascial release.