Infrared Saunas for Detox: A Healthier You

White woman wearing a towel sitting in an infrared sauna in Adelaide.

Among the many benefits of using an infrared sauna, the ability to detox is a beneficial one. As the use of an infrared sauna in Adelaide becomes more popular, you may have friends who have mentioned all the health benefits that they can provide. However, to understand how an infrared sauna can be used for detox, you first need to understand what detox is and how we can benefit from it. 

Why Should We Detox?

We are exposed to many different types of toxins throughout our daily lives. The foods we eat, the air we breathe, and even the medications we take can all cause us to be exposed. Our body tends to store these toxins in our fatty tissues. In fact, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, over 400 toxins have been detected in the tissues of humans. With these toxins stored up in our bodies for long periods, we can become more susceptible to a variety of ailments, including cancer, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases. 

Taking part in extra detoxing, through infrared sauna sessions can help our bodies release these toxins. While our liver and kidneys are responsible for natural detoxing, the number of toxins we’re exposed to can make for an excessive amount of detoxing for these organs. Taking part in extra detoxing activities can help support the function of these organs because it reduces the toxic workload that they’ve been given. 

“I have never felt so alive and I am young and never thought I was unhealthy. I haven’t had any cold symptoms, headaches or any minor problems since using my Clearlight Sauna and ridding the toxins. I have recommended your particular sauna to everyone interested or not knowing about infrared technology”

Why Use a Sauna in the Detox Process?

In addition to our internal organs that help us detox from toxins, our largest organ helps too. Our skin is one of the largest channels for releasing toxins in our bodies, and it does this through sweating. While most of our sweat is simply water and salt, it has also shown to include a variety of toxins as its released. 

Sweat-based therapies have been used for hundreds of years. Many ancient civilisations have reaped the benefits of detoxing by heat, showing that there is plenty of history and experience to back up the claims. While basic sweating can be beneficial, it likely won’t give you all the added detox benefits that infrared saunas can. 

You can book both 30 minute and 60 minute infrared sauna sessions at Fast Twitch.

What Makes Infrared Saunas Better for Detox?

Sweating has many benefits on its own, but those benefits can be dramatically increased if done using infrared light. In fact, studies have shown that 15−20% of the sweat induced by infrared light is composed of a variety of toxins and heavy metals. These studies back up the claims that infrared saunas provide extra detoxing benefits that conventional saunas simply can’t. But how is that possible?

Skin Penetration

Infrared rays can penetrate your skin directly much better than other heat sources. In fact, infrared saunas are so great for detoxing because the light can penetrate up to three inches of your skin. This penetration is helpful when detoxing because it helps the infrared light reach your fat cells. As we’ve already mentioned, a lot of toxins get stored in our fat cells. The infrared light reaches these fat cells and then can help release the toxins that have become trapped in the cells. 

Lower Heat

Another benefit of using an infrared sauna over a traditional one is that infrared light allows the temperature to be lower. This lower temperature makes the infrared sauna tolerable for more extended periods and for a wider variety of people. Since you can stay in the infrared sauna for longer periods, this helps you receive more detoxing benefits from the light and heat. 

Did you know, infrared sauna usage can also help with inflammation!

Lady wearing a towel, looking down at her feet in an infrared sauna in Adelaide.

How to Use an Infrared Sauna

Not everyone can use an infrared sauna for the same amount of time, and it’s important to stay in tune with your body when detoxing in one. According to leading sauna experts, it’s important to follow some simple tips to have both a healthy and enjoyable experience. 

Stay Hydrated

Since you lose so much sweat (helping you shed those toxins!), it’s important to hydrate both before and after your trip to the infrared sauna. Making sure your daily water intake meets your body’s requirements will help you from becoming dehydrated during your infrared sauna sessions at Fast Twitch.

Don’t Stay in Too Long

You mustn’t expose yourself to higher temperatures for too long at a time. You should only stay in an infrared sauna for 10−15 minutes every other day when you're first starting. Once your body adjusts to these limits, you can gradually increase your detoxing time. However, you don’t ever want to go past 40 minutes a day in order to stay safe and healthy. 

Rinse the Toxins Away

After an excellent detox session, it’s important to rinse off before getting dressed. Since your body has been releasing toxins for the last 10−40 minutes, most of them are still there on the surface of your skin. A quick rinse-off will help ensure that the toxins are completely gone from your body. After the rinse, you can simply dry off and go about your day!  

Listen to Your Body

The most important tip is to stay aware of any red flags your body may show you while in an infrared sauna. If you experience physical reactions such as nausea or fatigue, you will want to leave the sauna immediately. Staying in tune with your body will help you have an enjoyable detox experience. 


With all the toxins in the world today, so many people are looking for ways to detox from the ones they’re exposed to naturally. Fortunately, infrared saunas are a safe and relaxing way to rid your body of built-up environmental toxins. 

It’s important to remember that infrared saunas are just one step in a successful detox. Watching what you eat and taking part in regular exercise can also help keep your toxin levels lower. Always let your body lead you in your infrared sauna sessions. Work up to the maximum time and heat, stay hydrated, and sweat those toxins away!

For more information of all the benefits of infrared sauna, read our blog post on The Benefits Of Infrared Sauna!

Reference List & Sources

Infrared Sauna: Can You Really Sweat Out the Toxins? From Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Infrared Sauna Detoxification from Jacuzzi Saunas

Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review from The Journal of Environmental and Public Health

Am I still getting a good sauna detox if i’m not drenched in sweat? from degree wellness


Infrared Saunas and Inflammation: What You Should Know


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